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1. Score the thin layer of fat covering the lamb into a diamond pattern. Combine the crushed garlic, honey, wine, seasoning and rosemary and marinade the meat in this mixture for 30 minutes.

2. Sit the lamb on a wire rack above a roasting tin. Pour the juices from the marinade over the meat and let them drip through into the pan below. Roast in a hot oven (Gas 7, 425°F, 220°C for 30 minutes, or a little longer if you do not like your lamb pink.)

3. Serve the lamb cut down between the bones either as single cutlets or doubles, or simply serve in slices.
3. Once cooked, leave the Bara Brith to stand for 5 minutes then turn out of the tin on to a cooling tray. Using a pastry
brush, glaze the top with honey.

4. Served sliced with salted butter and some tasty farmhouse cheddar.

1. Split the leeks lengthwise and wash well. Plunge them into a shallow pan of boiling water and simmer for a few minutes until soft. Rinse under a cold tap to retain the bright green color.

2. Using a combination of light and dark leaves, line four ramekins. Set aside the remaining leeks.

3. Process or blend the bread to make crumbs. Add the leeks, eggs and whipping cream and blend until you have a smooth, dropping consistency.

4. Add extra breadcrumbs if the mixture is too runny, or extra cream to soften. Season with paprika, ginger and parsley and place the mixture into the lined ramekins.

5. Fold over the excess leak leaves to make secure parcels and steam the ramekins or cook in a bain-marie for approximately 20 minutes until firm to be touch.